Luxman L-509X

Any A'Gon readers from Japan listened to this new integrated? The specs and description seems like it could be an incredible piece. Though likely dependent on how good the pre-amp stage sounds. The amp section is supposed to be similar to the great sounding m700u stereo amp.

Why, oh why, does an expensive amplifier such as this, include the addition of a switch, and additional wires / traces, for speaker switching / headphone listening. I have bypassed this switching and additional wiring, in several amplifiers ( most of them, coincidently, were of Japanese origin ), and the sound, became cleaner, had more detail, embraced me with a quieter black background, and showed me, much more dynamic capability. It is so easy to piggy back additional amplifiers, for a secondary system / additional set of speakers. So, given how good this amplifier is, I know, it could be better. I am sorry if I hurt feelings here.
always need to understand what any reviewers’ frame of reference is

sean is a good guy, but he reviews denon yamaha marantz, no name china tube amps...

of course he would be impressed with a luxman... do you think it might become his ’reference’ ???

mrdecibel2,314 posts09-23-2020 3:34pmWhy, oh why, does an expensive amplifier such as this, include the addition of a switch, and additional wires / traces, for speaker switching / headphone listening. I have bypassed this switching and additional wiring, in several amplifiers ( most of them, coincidently, were of Japanese origin ), and the sound, became cleaner, had more detail, embraced me with a quieter black background, and showed me, much more dynamic capability. It is so easy to piggy back additional amplifiers, for a secondary system / additional set of speakers. So, given how good this amplifier is, I know, it could be better. I am sorry if I hurt feelings here.
Well, you can always engage the 'Line Straight' feature, and bypass all of that.