How the hell do you select a tube?

I was using some Vintage Tungsram tubes on my PS Audio BHK 300 Amps.They need to be replaced, but those vintage Tungsrams are no longer available.  The Tungsrams sounded noticeably better than the Gold Lion tubes that came with the amps, so I understand that the tubes will make a difference.

I am hoping I can get some good recommendations here... I understand my ear, my room, the kind of music I play etc etc are unique.  But for various reasons I don't have time to experiment and mess around with different possibilities.  So I am hoping I can benefit from someone's experience/opinions.   So what are using?   I am not super price conscious.  

The amps are driving Dynaudio Contour 60 speakers.  I have PS Audio DirectStream DAC.   It's a nice system but I got some help putting it together, I am more or less a dweeb about all this stuff.