Monoblock Aegirs

I am moving my old Vandersteen 2ce sig II out of the media room and setting up a 2 channel listening room in a pretty good size space in our front room, 25’ x 25’ with a large adjoining dinning room and 10’ ceilings. I have been known to be asked to turn it down by the wife. I was looking at getting a Cambridge Audio CXN V2 for streaming duties connected to a Schiit Freya + preamp and I am debating on amplification. Curious if anyone has hooked up a pair of monoblock Aegirs to the Sig II’s and how well they drove them on the bottom end? Or am I better off with the Vidar?
Curious if anyone has hooked up a pair of monoblock Aegirs to the Sig II’s and how well they drove them on the bottom end?

Never bridge amps, you turn a "good" stereo amp into a more powerful "mediocre" amp

By bridging stereo amps you gain wattage, but you loose low impedance drivability, stability, and increase distortion.

If the Vandersteen’s go down in impedance with low’ish -phase angle in the bass then things "could" be worse not better.

Your better to use the Aegir on the mids and highs and the Vidar on the bass and if they are different gains use a Schiit Sys on the louder of the amps to reduce it to the others level then use your Schiit Freya + preamp as the master still.

Cheers George
I would get a pair of Vidar's, if you want monoblocks. The Aegir's are only 20 wpc at 8 ohms.
The Vandy 2's showed a minimum 5 ohm load on Stereophile, which is pretty good, but 20wpc is on the low side, especially for a 25 x 25' room.
If it were me, and I didn't need monoblocks, I would consider a Belles Aria integrated.
If I needed monoblocks, I would buy a pair of Belles Aria monoblocks.
In fact, I am have Mr. B. build a pair for my VLR's, as I write.
Belles and Vandersteen pair very nicely. Much better than Schiit, in my opinion. (And, I won't knock Schiit products.
They are very, very good. 
But, if you want something that will keep you off the upgrade train, think about Belles. PM me, if you need more info. 
Thanks for the replies, you made my decision a bit more difficult. 😁 Much more to consider anyway!
395garrison OP

This will be the best as the Class-A Aegir is for the mids and highs where it’s best at doing.

Aegir will will have plenty for the mids and highs and a Vidar great for the the bass.

Just horizontal bi-amp as I outlined.
The Sys goes on whichever amp has the higher gain in this diagram I made, it's assumed the Vidar has the higher gain, it could be the Aegir.

Cheers George
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