laid back stereo power amp

Looking for a laid back "forgiving" stereo power amp to drive Maggie 1.7i s through a Van Alstine Transcendence 10 tube preamp. thanks.
Definitely in agreement with the AVA gear symmetry. With the $2000 price target, seems to be the logical move.

Another vote for Odyssey—not because it’s laid back but because your preamp could be. Amp sounds great. Built right. No class D. The designer talks to people. I bought my �Stratos DM from a guy that had used it for years with Maggies. 
Looking for a laid back "forgiving" stereo power amp to drive Maggie 1.7i s through a Van Alstine Transcendence 10 tube preamp. thanks.

Tell us what amp you are now using, please? Any kind of DAC? etc.. A big culprit in what you hear can also be cables and the type of AC conditioning.
hi everyone. in case you missed my earlier post, i've ordered the Van Alstine vison set 400.was going to get the hybrid version but the man himself talked me out of it--said the solid state would work well with my V A tubed preamp. i read three reviews : TONE,AUDIO CIRCLE,and AUDIOPHILIA. all the key words were there. 30 day return. high hopes.we'll see.......Thanks to all.

Congrats and enjoy, hope your internal happiness cap lock is ON when you get and listen to new amp !!!!!