From pro to hi-fi and a little confused...

I didn't want to bother you guys with another "which speaker" thread, but I've been on the fence for three weeks and could really use some advice.

Right now, I have an HSU VTF-2 ready to backup whatever loudspeakers I find and because I already have pre outs on my soundcard and mixer, I'm really looking hard at active speakers. My budget runs up to $2,000 and I'm setup in a mid-sized room that won't allow for floorstanders. Also, I listen to everything from classical to rock and need something that will not bust my eardrums, but allow me to be on-stage with the band to feel the music as well as hear it.

The Dynaudio Focus 110a's seem to have the sound quality I need, but I just don't know if they can represent rock music well?
What differences are you hearing in your C1 signatures compared to the originals?
Dynamic compression. Dynadios are fine loudspeakers but all things have there place. And if transducers and cabinets are undersized you limit dynamic ability's of loudspeaker. You have to sit very close to smaller loudspeakers to reduce this if not music peaks will sound harsh constricted forced many blame recording source or cables. Others just use more power thus creating thermo compression on top of designs dynamic compression. When in reality they are just asking to much from a small cone,undersized cabinets and weak magnets. Adding a sub or more can help but only if you filter bass from mains which in itself has - sonic consequences. Always best to do things right from the start then to live with to many compromises. I would suggest buying a larger loudspeaker, active, passive, proaudio, audiophile whatever you like.
creating thermo compression on top of designs dynamic compression.
Johnk (Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

They may not give the impact of bigger speakers, and my choice is larger also, but some small speakers still do come alive. They just don't do it as big. If you have good headphones, or speakers on your computer, check these little passive Dyna's out. Don't forget it's a compressed Youtube video, going through your computer. It doesn't sound to choked up to me. It looks like a budget Chinese tube amp, putting out about a whopping 12-18 watts per channel.[]
I don't know if you are interested in pro in any way anymore, but a pro company, SLS did a powered monitor that can play in the audiophile arena. I believe it is a PSR-8.
I've heard them in a very busy show setting, never critical listening, but I recall them to be pretty good.
The Dyn's your looking at should be great.
Hi JohnK,
As a whole I agree with your statements about Large Hi sensitivity speakers, but your statements aren't entirely fair. I'll just take dyns... "You have to sit very close to smaller loudspeakers to reduce this if not music peaks will sound harsh" Yes, they are less sensitive and require some power, but dyn has a lower crossover point on most of its smaller speakers than most to make them completely listenable without it being a must for nearfield, I've listened to some great 6 1/2 inch from 12 feet away without issue, next "Thermal compression". These guys use 3" coils on their woofers and normally 1.25" coils on their tweeters and are quite capable of playing all frequencies with a fair amount of power without heating up and compressing frequencies. "Undersized Cabinets" & "Weak Magnets",
You know these drivers have Plenty of motor structure to do as designed and in proper cabinets to support their driver size and qts/vas capabilities....No, they won't compete with large high sensitve speakers in sheer dynamic range, but with the right amps are dynamic and smooth in their own right.
To the others, John makes some wonderful High Efficiency speakers, he knows his stuff, I just wanted a fair comparison.