Why no reviews of the Magnepan 3.7 in Stereophile

Why no ads or reviews of the Magnepan 3.7 in Stereophile,is it personal or an oversight?
Reviews should be taken with a few grains of salt . Get to know the reviewers and which ones tell it like it is . When I wanted to upgrade my power cords from the Cardas Gold Ref's , I listened to every one I could get my hands on , Shunyata came out on top by a large margin . When I started the research aspect of my quest I found that seven members of the Stereophile review team owned these cords . It was what they didn't say that told me the most .
Seems like it was neither personal or an oversight if you take JA's word for it, and why wouldn't you?
What is better marketing - a good subjective review with a couple of questionable artifacts in measurements, or no review at all?
Reviews are like drugs. You know that they are no good for you but you read them anyway....

The 3.7 is an interesting speaker. Listening to one the other day I was very pleased with the soundstage, localisation and resolution of the reproduction. I was less impressed by the bass which did not dive very low at all and was quite lean. Careful matching of amplification is needed because if the wrong product is used the treble is too hot.
Reviews are mostly of little value, they always leave cryptic passages that leave them plenty of wiggle room if called out on a review mistake. On top of that unless you use same amp, source, wire, power, room, placement and dare I say bias towards or against a product all reviews are a waste of time. Reviews can entertain and give some valid info but the review only serves to enrich the reviewers system, sure they have to "suffer" through reviews (all the while trying to convince us how hard it is and how bad they have it) but show many any reviewer and I will show you how that "suffering" paid off big time for his personal gain.
So read the reviews, get what you can from them but know they are worthless to most everyone except the company and the reviewers system.