Has anyone compared old to new Audioquest Cables???

I would like some input from anyone with direct experience who has compared the older higher end Audioquest speaker cables that are now used and selling at an obvious reduced price from when they were new to the mid-level newer Audioquest cables like the Rocket 88 Series, just before the newer cables get really pricey.  I would be looking for bi-wire cables for my Vandersteen model 5A speakers.

Thanks in advance.

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@tvad meaning buy and try some used models?  What model name of AQ cables would you recommend that I search for?
@bigkidz ,
You know John Rutan is the font of information when it comes to AQ cables.😁 I don't know why you haven't contacted him?
But, if you don't want to call him, I can tell you the newest cables from AQ are really something special.
Listening to the new William Tell series gave me goosebumps.-And this is from someone who never thought cables could make a significant difference.
Pricey? Yes.
Worth it? Well, if you have the funds available, yes, too.
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