Why no reviews of the Magnepan 3.7 in Stereophile

Why no ads or reviews of the Magnepan 3.7 in Stereophile,is it personal or an oversight?
"Advertisement can morph..."
I'd make that "Advertisement could morph" unless someone has proof. The brain has a nasty habit of "knowing" stuff it couldn't possibly know, and we all need to keep a close watch on what it is coming up with.
That's why every honest and capable reviewer has had his/her
corpus callosum transsected. This permits each cerebral
hemisphere to operate independently as a check on the other.
The left hemisphere actually does the writing but the right
hemisphere assesses the sound while remaining unbiased by the
content of PR, advertising or other comments. Interhemispheric
communication is accomplished by diffusely-acting
neuromodulatory mechanisms. The small price for this is a
reduced appreciation of sound localization and imaging giving
rise to higher demands for these parameters.
Why be afraid if Stereophile posts the specs of the Maggie and they're not perfect?

They've posted a few reviews of SET amps which measured poorly but had a great sound, and most of those companies are still in business.

I think it would be somewhat of a nice way to advertise, the old reverse type-"Our speaker's measurements suck, but they sound great!".

Or howabout-"JA. said our measurments were a disaster, yet we've sold XXXX numbers of these speakers,"

Or -Thousands of proud and satisfied owners of our speakers are great,but one review says our specs are bad- so who's right?"

Or, just perhaps Magnepan is doing quite well without any reviews or ads in Stereophile, so the money saved will be spent elsewhere.
I don't think any of us want to see the prices rising on Maggies to pay for advertising and making them just another company that makes speakers for the rich.

I own the Maggie Onwall HT speakers in my separate HT system.
Thye do a great job, I don't care about the specs and I use a Depth sub anyway.

I do have a friend who just got a pair of MMG for his 2 channel set up and he is very happy he made the move.
He was apprehensive because of all the stuff he read about Maggies being bass shy and hard to drive.

I told him, just listen to them and make up your mind.
You ears will tell you if they are right for you or not, and reviews are just crack.
FWIW, Magnepan has been advertising in Stereophile. They just haven't sent in speakers for review (and John Atkinson gets pretty upset when people suggest that a manufacturer has to buy an ad to get a review).