That's why every honest and capable reviewer has had his/her
corpus callosum transsected. This permits each cerebral
hemisphere to operate independently as a check on the other.
The left hemisphere actually does the writing but the right
hemisphere assesses the sound while remaining unbiased by the
content of PR, advertising or other comments. Interhemispheric
communication is accomplished by diffusely-acting
neuromodulatory mechanisms. The small price for this is a
reduced appreciation of sound localization and imaging giving
rise to higher demands for these parameters.
corpus callosum transsected. This permits each cerebral
hemisphere to operate independently as a check on the other.
The left hemisphere actually does the writing but the right
hemisphere assesses the sound while remaining unbiased by the
content of PR, advertising or other comments. Interhemispheric
communication is accomplished by diffusely-acting
neuromodulatory mechanisms. The small price for this is a
reduced appreciation of sound localization and imaging giving
rise to higher demands for these parameters.