Charging A Fee To Demo An Amplifier In A Brick & Mortar Store

I Saw a pair of pre-owned tube monoblocs for sale on an onlline forum for around $17k.
The seller has a retail store for hiigh end audio. The seller mentioned that there will be an up-front fee for the demo if a prospect comes to the store the amps are not purchased. The demo fee may also be used for credit towards any purchase in the store.

This is the first time I’ve ever heard of this. Is this now a common occurance in high end audio stores? I sent a note to the seller asking what the demo fee amount was....two weeks and I didn’t get a response.

Does anyone know what amount of fees are charged for a demo?
If a store/dealership charges to demo equipment that is not a problem with me.  It is my choice if I want to do business with that establishment.  As long as that policy applies to everyone.

However, my opinion is also that if the dealer wants to or is trying to sell me something, then I'm not paying to listen.  Depends on who is the driver here.

Just like with wineries.  When I go to Napa, Sonoma, Paso Robles, etc. there are some small producers that will not let you taste, limited production wines.  They expect you to buy based on their word alone.  That does not happen with me.  I tell them that If I like the wine, I will buy it, but I won't buy wine that I haven't tasted or am unfamiliar with.

this typically works at roughly 90% of the wineries I visit with my wine expert friends.  They typically figure out pretty quickly that I am serious about wine and will actually open a bottle for myself and my friend to taste.  The wine has to speak for itself.  If it is good it is good.  if it isn't well...

Same for audio equipment.  Except a lot depends on the associated equipment connected and the room.  All of which has to be taken into account in demo'ing equipment.

Stopping into a store just to listen is one thing and shouldn't be a big thing if the equipment is already connected and running.  If it isn't, then yes, I can understand the issue.  However, I will stop into stores to get a feeling as to how the salespeople react to me.   How they treat me.  Completely ignore me as if I don't exist or can't possibly afford their equipment and therefore, write me off?  Discriminate?  Whatever.  I am feeling them out. 

Stereo Design in San Diego was great (owner retired and closed the shop).  They knew I was serious and had no problem letting me sit and listen to their top of the line stuff. 

Optimal Enchantment in Santa Monica is the same way.

Even Stereo Exchange in San Diego has no problem letting me listen to the top stuff. 

They can't possibly know if you are a tire kicker with no intention of buying anything of a high roller.  So, easy questions help.  Are you in the market for anything in particular?  What do you currently have?  Are you seeking to upgrade?  What is your musical taste? What is your budget?  Are you willing to hear equipment slightly outside your budget that may be better that what you wanted?  

Just getting to know the customer.

Also, I would bet a lunch that this particular dealer doesn't treat every customer this way.  If a "beautiful person" walked in or an associate or recommended customer, they would probably set up the equipment and let them listen free of charge.



When I visit Audio Classics, they will set up anything I want to listen to without any fuss and after set up, leave me alone to enjoy.  That is the kind of dealer you want.  When I wanted to hear the Legacy Valors, they took out the big McIntosh speakers and hooked up the Valors to the 1.25kw McIntosh mono blocks with a smile and told me to"enjoy"..
Um, part of the reason you carry these products. A large the markup. If one buys system 10k...the markup is 40 percent...4000. Most who go to a store spend more
It’s their store, they can pretty much do what they want, no matter how stupid. I am thankful that I have a dealer that is as accommodating as the one I go to. With that, they have earned my business time and time again. Mutual respect is what we have.
Back in the late 70's/early 80's I worked in a high-end store and we would take someone's credit card number or a check we would hold onto, in case the customer didn't return the loaner, but I've never heard of having a potential customer having to "rent" a demo unit.

One of the dealers I visited when shopping for speakers, on a hot, humid, rainy day in August asked me if I had "an appointment".  Though the store was empty they would only allow me to audition speakers in their secondary room, the models I was interested in were in their high end room.  Too bad for them, as I spent my $ elsewhere.