Room correction has not won the subwoofer wars.
What it has done, is that it has subverted high quality acoustics application, room design, and system builder's base level skills, to being 'good enough for Mr Average'. Good enough for those who won't do it right, or can't do it right.
It has dropped the annoyance factor for those who are not going to ever be doing it right.
It is NOT correct, I repeat, NOT correct.
It's akin to all the nannies and electronic additions to modern supercars, so that Mr average to poor driver can drive a $500k super or hyper car and PRETEND that they can drive.
It won the popularity contest for the middle of the audiophile herd who play in the home theater space. Nothing else.
Don't anyone here fool themselves into thinking it is anything else.
It's not a peak, not a note on perfection, it is the opposite, it is annoyance relief, it's a comfortable hole in the ground to circle around, like circling a drain....