Rel B3 or JL Audio F110

Hello Everyone
I was thinking to add Subwoofer in the system. Which one is
more musical, REL B3 or JL F110. I have NAD M3 Amplifier so
I can cross over the frequency.
I just went from a Rega Vulcan to a REL R-528.. I'm still trying to figure out if it's actually 'musical' the WOW factor is blowing me away.. this particular REL has much more reserve, plays with a sense of total control and lack of constraint or strain... and of course goes down ALL THE WAY but is it more musical? I think I would rather see a sealed air suspension enclosure instead of the downward passive radiator but who knows... I have not owned any other subs than these two. All the other subs I can recall hearing at dealers over the years do not come close to these two however.
Another vote for the Rel (I have the B3) and want to add by replacing the stock Rel cable made the sub a world more musical. Much better attack and decay. I have a Nordost baseline made to Rel spec (there was a $35 up charge for the speakon connector).
Forgot to mention. Getting the timing/phasing right is the tricky part. I would assume the JL would be the same. On the Rel there is a phase switch 0 or 180 degrees. Then you have to physically move the sub closer or farther to get it right on. Once you get that right the crossover point and gain is pretty easy. You should not be able to hear where the sub bass is coming from.

Good Luck
for the Money the Emotiva 12 is very close ,and actually has better output from 40-60hz, under 30 the JL audio takes over
and the Emotiva is very decent at 1/4 the price that is saying alot , I would like to mention .I bought a solid aftermarket power cord from Signal cable a thick 10awg
and remember the cheap steel fuse must go , go to the Cable Co. and buy a Hifituning Silver fuse . Silver has 8x less resistance then a steel fuse .which means faster more articulate bass 100% guaranteed,the laws of physics don't lie with a sub current is very important !!