Parasound P7 / A23s
P7 / IcePower 250 ASP
Luxman 507ux
The first change was audibly neutral. I could not tell the difference between the Parasound A23s and the equivalent IcePower modules, for the good and the bad.
I switched to Luxman because:
- Meters! < grin >
- Tube-like midrange- Better extension in the bass and treble- Transparent tone controls (which the P7 did not fully have)
All of these to me sounded better than Pass, which to me sounds lean and scratchy, as if I’m listening to a dirty record even when the source is digital. Did I switch from IcePower to Luxman because Class A/B was better than D? Absolutely not. My trials with Parasound and IcePower proved those two models were simply indistinguishable. And this was the real problem. In retrospect the A23s and IcePower module were too warm and syrupy. The Luxman more open and made the previous two feel constrained.
In retrospect I can't really say if the character of the Parasound/IcePower was really due to the amps or the preamp itself. It might have been.
Hope this helps,