The truth...Anyone can consider themselves a consultant, of anything.

Hey everyone. So, a few weeks ago, I got bent out of shape, which was actually very childish on my part ( I am man enough to admit it and say it ), simply because another poster here, called himself a consultant. Well, thinking about it, this poster, who owns a 50 K + amplifier, might in fact, be, a consultant, of this product, and it’s uses and characteristics. Who am I to say, no way. So, truth be told....anyone interested in purchasing this amplifier, most definitely, contact him. I, on the other hand, have other experiences, with many other pieces of gear, from yester year, and today, simply, at more down to earth prices. I am willing to answer questions and give advice, through private email, and offer this, for free. I know that basic amplifier circuit design ( exceptions being Class D, and some digital ); has not changed at all, over the years. Anyone interested in learning about some of these circuit designs, look up : Matti Otala, Stewart Hegeman, and Marshall Leach. All great readings. I understand, that speaker technology, has not changed at all, over the years. Keep in mind....better parts and better materials, are a given, with new technologies.... I understand, that room acoustics, have remained the same, since yesterday, through today. I also understand, many of you, based on the readings I have done here from your postings, can, in fact, call yourselves, consultants, with as much trial and error, and experiences, many of you have. So, I am here, to have fun, learn, teach, share, discuss, anything and everything, audio related. Enjoy, be well and stay safe. Always, MrD.
I was asked by some other members here through private emails, to tell a few of my stories. I was encouraged to keep this going, but not necessarily, make it about me, but make it a group thing. So many here, have interesting stories and specific experiences, not to mention, very fine and educated listening capabilities. BTW, I never met Diana Ross either. I have met Lauren Bacall. That was a very interesting experience for me. For anyone not interested ?....simply, just don't participate, and move on. Enjoy, be well and stay safe. Always, MrD.

"I have met Laruen Bacall"

Cool to imagine Lauren and Bogie spending time listening to 78’s or hanging out in a dinner club listening to big bands playing.

I love this supposed bit from an interview:

"I had one great marriage, I had three great children and four grandchildren. I am still alive. I still can function. I still can work ... You just learn to cope with whatever you have to cope with. I spent my childhood in New York, riding on subways and buses. And you know what you learn if you’re a New Yorker? The world doesn’t owe you a damn thing."

What qualifies anyone to call themselves an audio reviewer or a music critic or a film critic? Look on You Tube and there are hundreds of people reviewing music, films, audio gear, shaving cream. Fact is, in unlicensed professions, we are free to call ourselves anything and try to sell that service. It’s up to the buyer to determine the value of the consultant’s opinion based on their methodology and prior experience with trusting the consultant’s judgment. I’ve watched movies that I loved and later heard movie critics say it was terrible. So I don’t take that critic’s word after that. Consultant is not synonymous with expertise or competence. It is just selling a service. I would think that if someone paid for the services of an audio consultant and then had negative results, they would stop using this consultant.
I’ve not considered the importance of the label audio consultant until I saw these posts. To learn things, I’ve gone to stores, books, videos, and blogs. Reading and listening, I’ve gotten an increasing appreciation of who knows what they’re talking about and who does not. Occasionally, there are "tells" which indicate either special expertise or flim-flammery. I’ve emailed some folks who seem like experts and it’s typically proven helpful to me -- Almarg was generous in this regard; I also got nice notes from Don Sachs and Ralph. Others I’ve emailed with who have not been experts have been helpful in telling me what they know and indicating their limits.

So, between the experts and common sense folks I’ve discovered (here and on AudioCircle), I’ve gotten some helpful nudges either towards or away different gear or experiments to try. Ultimately, that’s what I’m looking for -- a good guess at what’s worth trying for myself. And it’s never occurred to me that I needed a consultant, per se.