Why not combine streamer, roon core,endpoint, server and cd ripper together??

A grand combination, would be ideal to bring these essentials together in a nice looking package.

Add’l processor noise an issue? a big deal?
Ok to combine a roon nucleus and streamer together?

seems high end products can handle all this quite well, innuos, and hopefully others. 

most of us no longer have the hearing skills of a teenager or audiophile marketing salesperson.
I think techno risk for obsolescence is minimal given this area of the audio signal foodchain.  Improvements will be made and hoping firmware updates will mitigate this.  Can see a dozen yrs of use for this basic equipment.
I didn’t realize that your all in one combo player also included a digital crystal ball.
Yes! All Innuos devices are like that. Server, streamer, storage, CD ripper all in one box. Now... you will still complain they are expensive. That’s OK.
It is a very expensive box, innuos zenith mk3.

i am thinkIng about assembling the pieces separately, and may do a lot better this way. Could get a nucleus and briscasti m5 network player, and an ssd - all for about the same price. Seems this would offer a lot more quality and don’t have to get tortured assembling a nucleus from a nuc. Plus if something goes wrong with the mk3 combined unit, I am not out 4500.