Why not combine streamer, roon core,endpoint, server and cd ripper together??

A grand combination, would be ideal to bring these essentials together in a nice looking package.

Add’l processor noise an issue? a big deal?
Ok to combine a roon nucleus and streamer together?

seems high end products can handle all this quite well, innuos, and hopefully others. 

most of us no longer have the hearing skills of a teenager or audiophile marketing salesperson.
Less shelf space, less cabling, less compatibility issues; I get it. But, IME, digital tech changes faster, last less longer, depreciates faster, and is harder to repair than other components. If one of those combined things fails; the whole thing might end up in the trash.
I think techno risk for obsolescence is minimal given this area of the audio signal foodchain.  Improvements will be made and hoping firmware updates will mitigate this.  Can see a dozen yrs of use for this basic equipment.
I didn’t realize that your all in one combo player also included a digital crystal ball.
Yes! All Innuos devices are like that. Server, streamer, storage, CD ripper all in one box. Now... you will still complain they are expensive. That’s OK.