Speakers which always sound good

This is brought up because I'm home shopping, but I'm not actually looking for speakers right now, so please don't take this as a request for advice so much as opinions.

As I shop for homes I've realized how few are really equipped for the audiophile.  Too many fireplaces and windows and damn kitchens and bathrooms placed completely inappropriately for us! :-)

And as you may know, I'm a big fan of appropriate room treatments.

So, wanted to step away from this world for a bit and ask, what are speaker brands that you feel always work?  Or at least, work really well without having to think about the room acoustics or placements?  Reminder that this is 99% of the buying public.  We who have laser line levelers, a closet full of measurement microphones and a chair which bolts our head into a fixed location may not believe it is true, but this is the majority of the buying public. 

What do we, the audiophile community recommend to them to actually be helpful in getting them as many positive music listening experiences as possible?


I didn't buy these or try them, but I kept reading that Ohm speakers are very friendly with different rooms, and have ways to adjust them on the back of some (all?) models. 

What you are describing is Vandersteen’s. All you have to do is break down the numbers. Length of time the design has held up, number of speakers sold and number still being sold. A speaker Company that will fit any budget. They will work with room treatments and still sound good without. Even have a bookshelf or spouse friendly option.
I auditioned the Harbeth Super HL 5+ 40th Anniversary Model speakers with 7 different high end integrated amps. I thought they sounded outstanding with every amp I tried. Just for the record the 7 amps that were auditioned included the Pass Labs int 60, Luxman 509x, Simaudio 700i, Naim Supernait 3, VAC 170i, Gryphon D300, and Hegel H390. IMHO, the Harbeths are extremely versatile and seem to have a very high "symbiosis quotient". I know there are very few speakers that sound great with every speaker. In fact, I’m not sure there is such a speaker. But, to my ears, the Harbeths sounded superb with all 7 of the integrated amps I auditioned.

Of all the amps, my ears preferred the Pass Labs int 60...that day and hour, that is. I ended up with the Harbeth Super HL 5+ 40th Anniversary Model speakers for my system. However, wanting something where I’d never have to worry about transient peaks, yet keep the "Pass Labs sonic personality" that I love so much, I purchased the Pass Labs int 250 to go with the Harbeths. And I probably would have been just as satisfied with the Pass Labs int 60. But I couldn’t be happier. For a little extra magic "pixie dust" I’m running the Pass Labs int 250 and Harbeth speakers through a dual power supply MSB Discrete DAC. Sonic heaven.

Anyway, I obviously love the Harbeths. But there are so many speakers I haven’t auditioned. Some may sound different. Some may even sound better. I may never know for sure since it would require a lot of national and international travel to audition them all. But since I put all my money into my system I won’t be doing any extensive traveling for a good long time. So I’ll just have to be contented with what I have. No problem there whatsoever. Sorry this was so long. My 2 cents.
LARSEN! Either the 6, the 8, or best, the 9 (the 8 sounds as good, I’m told, but the 9 is prettier). They put up a wall of sound that is unique, can go against the wall (preferred), and are very much like live music. In a living room, they fill the room because the sweet spot is almost everywhere. They require less room treatment because of the orientation of the mid/tweeter firing up and towards each other (reflections are less a problem).

I want a pair for the LR to go with my Vandersteens for the listening room.
