Best USB CABLE UNDER $1000. Serious answers only?

Looking for an USB CABLE SOULUTIONS 540 and MELCO server
I have enjoyed the Clarity Cable Supernatural USB for quite some time. It has bested about 15 others, in direct comparison. Most robust USB I have heard in my rig. 

I have done reviews of Clarity Cable for 

@calvinj Much of this needs to be driven by system synergy and personal preferences and goals. Which means you will need to figure it out for yourself.

My recommendation is limited by my personal comparisons with approximately 8 USB cables (under 1K). Given that set, I suggest considering Stealth Audio ($850 new, much less used).

However, the over 1K USB cable options deliver much more. If you can stretch your budget and score a deal, I highly recommend a used previous gen SR Galileo USB cable.

Also, look for Chord out of the U.K. (not the DAC company).

All the best.