Phono preamp worth it with MM cartridges?

I've had conflicting advice from dealers so hoping for some clarity here. How much do phono preamps offer with sound quality and MM cartridges? (I understand they have a huge impact on sound quality with MC). 

My current setup is Rega P3/Neo/Exact/Groovetracer RS, Rega Elex-R amp, and Spendor A4 speakers and I mostly listen to classical, jazz, and light rock.

Will buying a Rega Aria phone preamp (or  iFi iPhono 3? Avid? Graham Slee? in the sub $2k range) make a worthwhile difference or should I wait till I buy an MC cartridge before splurging ? 

Thanks, Roger
Yeah, all you need for LOMC is sill a decent MM phono stage and external SUT to match cartridge impedance. I’ve been using this pair of SUTs and it can cover all types of LOMC (from low to high impedance).

MM stage and SUT is a classic combo.

A great MM phono stage is a must have, in my opinion great MM stage should not cost more than $1200 (many available withing this price tag).

If you have a friendly dealer take the $2k and your P3, and exchange for a P6 with the Ania MC + Sutherland KC Vibe phonostage. THAT will be a very noticeable upgrade to your record collection.
@chakster, "todays MM cartridges are 95% junk." 

That is quite some generalization chakster. Do you have any additional references on that? Granted, the cheapest of the cheap cartridges are moving magnet cartridges but I do not think any of us take a $15.00 cartridge serious. 
Since you think MM cartridges are superior to MC cartridges does that make 99% of them junk? 
I share the general disrespect for the Exact, but defend the MM pre in the Elex-R.  What you want is a better cartridge, perhaps a Benz Ace HO?  Boron cantilever line contact nude stone, for under a grand. Another good one is a Hana SH.  And order a set of AS shims. 
a good phono stage makes an improvement with either a MM or LOMC cart.

There are quite a few good ones out there, just depends on how deep you want to go into the woods. In the sub 2k range look for a used Manley Chinook. Does very well with both MC and MM carts. Have owned two of them over the years, you can pick one up used for 1400 to 1700 range.
The latest model has a switcher power supply so would avoid that, all the earlier models have a big fat toroid in the power supply section, which is what you want.