Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?

Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker -- all other things being equal?

OP had used the word efficiency, but it was obvious he mean't sensitivity..

Thanks for the kind comments, I have equal admiration for your system(Dude and Sound Labs, nice). The bass performance in my system is very good although a 300b SET is`nt the final solution for bass freaks of rock and electronica,hip-hop etc.The Frankenstein amps do acoustic jazz bass and classical bass/cello in a very gratifying manner with much speed,articulation and texture. There`s natural bloom and warmth without crossing the line into fat,bloated and sloppy characteristics.Of course my speaker`s 94 db efficiency and 14 ohm load make for a good match with 8 watts of power.
06-26-11: Weseixas
Hello Al,
Per meter = doubling of measured reference distance..
So therefore in your example, when you said ...
06-26-11: Weseixas
@ 15 feet the 100db/w/m horn would have an out put of 76 db/w ... To achive 94 db@5M the SET.horn combination in my eg would require 64 watts from it's 20 watter
... the 76db/w figure should be 86db/w (as I indicated in my previous post), and the power requirement would be only 6.4 watts, not 64 watts.

Best regards,
-- Al
Hello AL,
No your calculations are off the distance increase is 4M making the reduction 24 DB for a total of 76..

06-26-11: Weseixas
Hello AL,
No your calculations are off the distance increase is 4M making the reduction 24 DB for a total of 76..
If 6db is lost going from 1 meter to 2 meters (and I have no particular knowledge of whether or not that is true for any particular horn design, but I'm making that assumption, as I indicated in my initial post above), then it seems to me that another 6db would be lost going from 2 meters to 4 meters (not 2 meters to 3 meters). And then another 1.94db, according to my calculations, going from 4 meters to 5 meters, for a total loss of 6 + 6 + approx. 2 = 14db.

I can't see how the loss can be 6db per meter for each of the additional 4 meters. That makes no sense to me. The loss is due mainly to the wave "spreading out," not to the attenuation of the air.

Best regards,
-- Al