I just heard this.  How sad.  I've seen Van Halen many times in concert and Eddie was one of the best guitar players I've ever seen.

R.I.P.  Eddie
RIP Eddie. My condolences to his family, his friends and the entire rock world.
So sad to see him go at so young an age.

I wish my memory were better as I used to live half a block from the Rock (had to edit that, confusing it with the cafe up in the hills), which was a biker bar in Van Nuys. Wet T-shirt nights, bar fights and all the beer I could drink. Hell’s Angels, Satan’s Slaves and others kind of had a truce at that place. My sister dated the asst. manager. And the band that sometimes played there before they were signed was Van Halen. Like I said, I wish my memory was better.

All the best,