Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?

Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker -- all other things being equal?
JohnK, What I posted was that I've heard horns sound shrill with both ss and tube amps, in response to Atmasphere's assertion that horns can sound shrill. I posted that headphones hardly sound like live music. If you consider that as an absolute, so be it. If any one cares to sincerely publicly assert otherwise, I'll modify my post. Your upset that those posts are "all untrue, highly subjective comments not based in any fact"? Really? Those are the examples your choosing to typify how I roll? Really? My posts are hardly based upon absolutism, in fact they are in response, yes, response to those who've made absolute claims. No wonder, your in wonderment, if you can't understand that. You once again assert that I am highly biased. I don't gain any monetary profit from my posts. You on the hand, more often than not post on those matters that afford you potential financial compensation, without the typical Audiogoner courtesy of disclosing your professional status. I'm highly biased? Ha
Hi Unsound,
I don`t need or seek confirmation for my preferences and I hope this is also true in your case. I`m sure we both agree there`re numerous ways to achieve good home audio.

You just seem to be on some sort of crusade, if I`m mistaken, my sincere apologies.
Best Regards,
Charles1dad, I think we are in agreement, and that is exactly the point of my posts. Best Regards,
It's a synergy thing. I never thought I could get dynamics like my friends Klipshorn system powereed by 3 watt flea SET amps. But then I got a pair if grossly inefficient Apogees powered by a McCormack DNA 500. Yes, I have those dynamics and detail and just awesome sound and imaging that he cannot hoe to achieve with his Klipshorns.

2 polar opposites both aiming at great sound. yes, you can have great sound without super effecient speakers. It's jusy pairing the components necessary to achieve that which is tricky.