Hi-res streaming on Qobuz

Although hi-res titles on Qobuz indicate streaming at 96kHz or192kHz, I’m not sure my system is reproducing those levels. Both my Arcam Rplay streamer and Schiit Gungnir multibit manuals indicate they accept up to 192kHz.  But I can’t hear a difference in quality comparing hi-res to non hi-res files.  Even if I do an A B comparison using the exact same titles with Qobuz hi-res and Idagio CD quality  resolution, I hear no difference. There are no indicators to tell what’s happening, so I’m wondering if I’m indeed hearing in high resolution.
Is there any way I can be sure?
My brief experience with the Arcam  was that it didn’t match the Node in SQ, but 
ymmv.  I also have a Bryston BDA3, which is both a significant upgrade over the Bluesound and displays bit rate.  The Qobuz high Rez tracks sound much better than standard on the Bryston.  Via the Node the difference is less striking
Streaming is sounding so good, I’m beginning to listen less and less to my very large collection of CDs and records.
Its very seductive.
@rvpiano, just to confirm, are you using both rPlay and Node as streamers only, going digital out to your Gungnir?  Regardless, glad your streaming is sounding so good!
I’m using the rPlay through the Gungnir Multibit DAC.
I’m returning the Node.