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Proud Harbeth p3esr owner - need help tweaking/troubleshooting
Why would you like a bad recording to sound good? Would be a very boring speaker. If you run Roon you can just use the parametric filter to reduce the range 1500-3500 Hz with a couple of db’s when playing ’hot’ recordings. Lindsay Ell is far from worst.... Nice recom on Guzman! If you take Rosanne Cash her a little nasal voice is rather unpleasant on a lot of recordings but very nice on others. It’s all about what they do in the studio. Spending lots of money on cables trying to change that is just nonsence. Better change speakers. P3 is ok for mid and highs but has no bass. For small money you can have a used PMC OB1 and be fully satisfied. |
also thinking about
purchasing the Rothwell In-Line RCA Attenuators to get 10db reduction in signal.
http://www.enjoythemusic.com/magazine/equipment/0803/rothwell.htm |
Just at a glance the unusual thing with that amps specs is it makes virtually no more power into 4 ohm than into 8. Looking at stereophile phase/impedance curve for the P3ESR, that is not the first amp I would choose for those speakers on paper. It may not be up to the task of driving them properly. Have you ever tried any other amps even just as a test? Rogue Sphinx or even Pharoah comes to mind as one I might try as an alternate. Maybe some P3ESR owners have more to offer regarding whether beefier amps tend to do better with those speakers in practice. Good luck! |
@mapman I am planning on taking the setup in my main listening room this weekend. I will hook the p3 to my Sim Audio W5 amp and also my Earthquake (home theater) amp. I have also been eyeing a Rogue Sphinx and Rega Brio- funny you mention. Also, positioning the speakers off-axis is helping a little bit. |