
I find it interesting that some manufacturers and retailers in the audio industry consistently make themselves available to their customers while others completely ignore them. I scratch my head after going to a small volume speaker manufacturer's web site (Brooklyn NY based), send a note through the email provided on the site and ask "I'm interested in a pair of your xxx speakers (retail is $9k) and have a few questions about them, my room and electronics. Can you let me know when we might get on a call pls? "

And get no response - so far for three days. 

I call the number- leave a message. 

No call back so far.

I see the owner posting on Facebook regularly and a year ago I'd sent him a similar note, trying to get on a call with him.

No response. Then I posted in the comments area on his posts- Hi XXX, pls check your messages here, I'm trying to get in touch to ask a few questions about a pair of your speakers. A week later I get a "sorry, I don't check messages much here" response. Not a "Hey, sorry I missed this, pls call me to discuss and happy to help"- just a note that offers no interest.

In the year that I've tried to reach him I've bought Harbeth 30.2's, a pair of Proac, an Odyssey amp, a JL audio e110, a pair of SVS subs, a Denon HT amp and more (different systems around the house). I'm actively growing my systems.

Is his boutique business really that good that he can't be bothered to respond to a potential customer?

Meanwhile, the founder of a much larger Colorado based electronics company posts daily, has blogs, videos and much more always responds to a comment or question on a product - his or something else- without fail and is engaged and interested. 

I believe he did call him,and FB etc.
I think you should hop on his FB page and put it out there.
I bet he responds in some kind of way.
But,it is better to find out now how he interacts ..before you buy!
Spend your $9G with someone more worthy!!

Thanks everyone for your feedback, perspective and advice. I ended up upgrading my Harbeth 30.2 to HL5 Super Plus and am expecting them in a few days. I'm sure they'll be great. The dealer I worked with was great, texted, emailed, called, handled pick up of mine, shipped his quickly etc. 

Looking forward to breaking them in ! 
@ cowan217
 congratulate to made good choice , but  if you in Brooklyn or close
i invite to stop by my place for 10-15 min , i don t think you try to rich my
Co,  it was somebody else . besides very famous De Vore and Ohm and very small boutique my brand , nobody else make speakers in Brooklyn  

Well, l guess l’m not the only one not getting any call back after a couple of emails sent to owner of a tube amp company out here in Northern California, and what burned me up is that l talked with the owner on the phone as well and we agreed on the day that l would take a hour drive to his place of business,then l called him to confirm the appointment only to be told he would get back to me and that was a WEEK AGO, now l understand that there is a virus going around, but we can make arrangements like leaving it on the hood of my car and me walking back 6 feet or more. but l will call them one more time and if l don’t get a response l will only have BAD things to say about there service policy.
wish me luck. this will be my 3rd call and 5th email.
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