Who stay with Merlin longest time

Hi all,
Just wonder, Merlin ex- and current owners - Who set the record of oldest marriage with Merlin? :)
My second anniversary in Sept, yet I already sent them in for a face lift (master BAM/RC) :-)
My system's evolving around Merlins - costly but fun
Happy listening
It can take some time to come to the conclusion and accept that bigger and more expensive might not be better; to accept that a smallish 2-driver speaker might be one of the speakers in a small group of speakers that are amongst the best in the world - I think the Merlins are.
My take is that bigger can be better but it then becomes a much more ambitious project and is extraordinarily difficult to achieve. There are too many considerations and most folks don't have them all (read room) to even start considering them all. The true advantage of large systems is their potential dynamic capability and bass. Having said that I find the VAST majority of the large cone based systems I've heard bring too much attention to themselves instead of the music to consider, electrostatics excepted but can be even more ambitious an undertaking. I have only personally heard ONE exception but view it due as much to the talent and hearing acuity of the guy that put it together as much as the speaker itself. The point is that Merlins are a speaker that can enamour the most jaded audiophile but like all things in audio they will not appeal to everyone, what they do well they do very very well. Audiophiles have different objectives and aspirations as to what is ideal and my observations, based on my opinion of course, is that they often have nothing to do with fidelity as much as taste.
I agree. And I don"t think I ever had a room that would really be optimal for large, multi-driver speakers - though of course they could "work" - it just seems large speakers really need large rooms to sound coherent across the spectrum like the Merlins and Quad 57/63 electrostatics do - in an odd way, they seem more alike than you would think given how different they are in "driver" technology.
imho, what works well/sounds right in a more normal living environment (up to 4000 cubic feet) is very different than what works well in much large rooms at greater listening distances. merlin speaker systems are designed to be very qualitative and dynamic for smaller/more normal sized rooms. they are also very linear with great axial dispersion. not for everyone but that is why we have a substantial following and people tend to stick with them. what also helps is the upgrade potential rather than being forced to buy new with each model change.
again not for everyone but for those that want to follow developments more closely, they have the opportunity at a reduced cost.
Aside from Merlin's, the most relaxing speaker I've ever heard was the four-piece Audio Artistry "Beethoven" back in '96 that requires a large room.