@samhvcc Like Charles1dad just stated, the Sony SS AR1 is not that efficient a speaker, if you are even considering that the JA30Mk2 won’t be enough power for them, then the SE 300B will only lead to one thing...Major disappointment!
Matching the amp to the speaker is a major factor when acquiring both pieces...how many folk have bought a very inefficient speaker ( or one with a horrible impedance drop) and then acquired an amp that cannot drive the load and been disappointed. Conversely, how many folk have bought/owned a low powered amp and then acquired a speaker that cannot be driven by said amp..very easy to do! ( Usually a costly mistake in both instances!).
Matching the amp to the speaker is a major factor when acquiring both pieces...how many folk have bought a very inefficient speaker ( or one with a horrible impedance drop) and then acquired an amp that cannot drive the load and been disappointed. Conversely, how many folk have bought/owned a low powered amp and then acquired a speaker that cannot be driven by said amp..very easy to do! ( Usually a costly mistake in both instances!).