I've owned D9s for a few years and am very happy with them.
My previous speakers were Magico S1s, and I decided to try a bunch of UK speakers and tried the typical list: Harbeth SHL5+, 40.2, B&W 804D3, KEF Reference.
One of the dealers mentioned I should also try the D9s and I personally thought they stood out of that crowd for what I was looking for.
I really like their midrange and bass/dynamics, and their high frequencies to me were more resolving and fun compared to the Harbeth, without being too detailed like what I was finding with my Magico Beryllium tweeters.
Unlike the previous poster, I actually think coherency is one of their strong suites. I think they are pretty nicely balanced. I agree with the comments that neutral to slightly sweet/warm upstream components likely work best generally, as I don't find they add any warmth. I'm running them with a Pass X250.8 and an R2R NOS DAC and I don't find them too detailed or forward at all.
There is another similar thread to this one you might be interested in... https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/any-spendor-d9-owners-out-there
My previous speakers were Magico S1s, and I decided to try a bunch of UK speakers and tried the typical list: Harbeth SHL5+, 40.2, B&W 804D3, KEF Reference.
One of the dealers mentioned I should also try the D9s and I personally thought they stood out of that crowd for what I was looking for.
I really like their midrange and bass/dynamics, and their high frequencies to me were more resolving and fun compared to the Harbeth, without being too detailed like what I was finding with my Magico Beryllium tweeters.
Unlike the previous poster, I actually think coherency is one of their strong suites. I think they are pretty nicely balanced. I agree with the comments that neutral to slightly sweet/warm upstream components likely work best generally, as I don't find they add any warmth. I'm running them with a Pass X250.8 and an R2R NOS DAC and I don't find them too detailed or forward at all.
There is another similar thread to this one you might be interested in... https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/any-spendor-d9-owners-out-there