Who's using Harbeth with tubes, what speaker model and how many watts per channel?

Curious what current consensus is regarding the above question.

Thank you.
with respect to which tubes, perhaps i should not have made my prior statement with such ’absolute-ism’ - it obviously depends on your amp and your room

most harbeths are nominally 6 ohms, dropping to just above 4-5 ohms in the bass region

sorry about the typo in my post below - 

should read: 'with respect to which taps on tube amps to use...'
@aj523 would love to see that review translated into English, but have been unable to find it.
Yeah sorry I had someone read part of it to me but most importantly the red line is the frequency response measured in axis, green is 10 degrees above, and blue is 30 degrees to the side (lateral).

I have SHL5+ speakers and used the Rogue Audio Stereo 100 amplifier (100 WPC).  
Amazing dynamic and powerful sound.  Much more powerful than my previous 100WPC cronus magnum II.  
Med/ large room.  
4 ohm tap sounded weak and anemic, 8 ohm tap much better.  
The Stereo 100 is actually more dynamic sounding that the amplifier I replaced it with, a Parasound a21+.  Should have stopped while I was ahead.  
most harbeths are nominally 6 ohms, dropping to just above 4-5 ohms in the bass region

my understanding is that tube amps typically have trouble delivering a lot of current (certainly compared to ss amps which happily double their delivered power into 4 ohms vs their standard 8 ohm load specs), thus the care needed in making a tube amp drive loads that are low impedance in nature... furthermore, low impedance is most common and hardest for the tube amp to deal with when it is in the bass region, where cone/motor motion requires the most energy (this current, given a specified voltage level) to produce the strong bass notes

There's a bit of myth being engaged in the quote above and it has to do with math.

4-5 ohms might mean that you have to use a 4 ohm tap on a tube amp. If 50 watts is needed to make a certain sound pressure at that dip in impedance, it will not matter what kind of amp makes that power, it will be the same sound pressure and the exact same current.

Put another way, the current needed to make a certain amount of power is the same, tube or solid state. So if it is making the power for that sound pressure, it **has** to make the current. Power equals voltage times current.

Tube amplifiers are different from solid state in that they don't double power as impedance is halved, but nevertheless they can behave as a voltage source. To do this they simply cut power in half as the impedance is doubled. This is one of the reasons why tube amplifier power is more expensive than solid state.

There is a product called the ZERO (www.zeroimpedance.com) which will allow any tube amp to deal with the impedance. So this is really about how much power is needed to do the job. IMO one of the better tube amps to pair with this speaker is the RM-200.