Best 40 to 50k used speakers

What would you consider the absolute best speakers on the used market, budget 40 to 50k max.Open to any suggestions thanks.

Astounding!?!  Let's ask someone to tell us how to buy a $50,000 speaker without listening to it.  Do you have ears?
Since you are in Germany then you have to go listen to DynamiKKts speakers.    Ascendo recommended them to me!  Go Figure.  The are easy to drive and I think the starting price for floor standers is $20K and they go up from there.  They are so much fun to listen to.  Extremely dynamics, open deep bass, etc.  Just a joy.  Lamm family bought them also.

Happy Listening.
A lot. Have in mind Kharma Exquisite, Avalon Eidolon or Gryphon Pantheon. Unbeatables.