Best Rock Album of 2014

Alright rock fans, let's get our annual thread started.

I'm really digging:

Real Estate "Atlas"
War on Drugs "Lost in the Dream"
True, Martykl. Or like Ryan Adams from Whiskeytown. But where has Wallinger been the last few years?

Funny you should ask. World Party is currently touring as an electric three piece (no rhythm section). They're coming to LA in two weeks and I just bought tix 5 minutes ago.
Re Karl Wallinger, check out his latest, Dumbing Up. He did suffer a serious
medical conditions (stroke?...don't recall what I read) that kept him out of
circulation for some time.
Wallinger had a brain aneurism about 10 years ago that put him down for 5+ years while he re-learned many basic sills, including guitar and piano. FWIW, I like Dumbing Up quite a lot, tho not as much as I like Egyptology or Goodbye Jumbo.

Also good news re: Jack White. He played a club in LA last night and I really tried to get there, but just couldn't quite pull it off on last minute's notice. Will check out the new music tho.