Buchardt A500, KEF LS50 Wireless, etc. What are your top 3 downsides?

I'm seeing reviews popping up recently for the new version of the KEF LS50 wireless and the Buchardt A500. PS Audio is working on a wireless speaker, too, I gather. Specific models don't really matter. I'm interested in the general approach these products represent.

What you would you list as the top three most important minuses for investing in these speakers as the system? Sonic quality? Likelihood to become outdated by newer technologies? Lack of choice regarding DAC, etc?

Or, if it's really hard to come up with major downsides for these types of speakers, are they harbingers of a larger shift for audiophiles?

I don't have a bias, here. More interested in drawing out your views and experience.
1. It's still a KEF.
2. It's still a KEF LS50.
3. Can you still get the funky glow-in-the-dark pattern printed on the driver?
@twoleftears That's true for the KEF but the question is about the kind of speaker, not the specific instances.
I have purchased number of active speaker systems over the years and each time swear I'll never do that again. While they can sound excellent and give you better value at a specific price point the main problem that often goes unmentioned is usability.

Large speaker companies like Kef are generally horrible at software, which these systems tend to rely heavily on for functionality. The Kef LS50 Wireless has among the worse rated app in audio. Their new improved app partnered with version 2 isn't compatible with the original system so prior customers are pretty much screwed.

Why does it matter? Because without the apps working one can't adjust user settings for things such as dsp, subwoofer, bluetooth and changing wifi networks, which often requires a hard reset of the entire system. Even simple things like switching inputs is a chore requiring cycling through all options on the cheap plastic remote or getting up to go look at the front panel. 

So knowing all this then why did I purchase Buchardt's A500s at twice the price of the Kef's  back in February before any reviews were out? Combination of insanity, hope of better execution / customer service from Buchardt and last but not least the allure of incredible sound with unmatched feature set via unlocking the power of DSPs and active crossovers.  

The promise of endless tinkering with the sound signature via master tunings, lower level enhancement adjusting for Fletcher Munson curves, built-in room correction and true sub bass performance from a small book shelf speaker overwhelmed my self control and prior vows to avoid active systems.
@mfgillia Good luck with the speakers. The software issues and lifespan of support is a real concern to me. On the other hand, I look at my home theater system and see AR 48 3 way speakers which I bought in 1982 and have worked with every receiver, AVR, and amp I've purchased ever since. There is nothing fancy about the, but they sound great and remain usable. Something to be said for that.
Kef LS50W’s are finnicky.  I think the electronics have a 50/50 shot of being dead in 10 years.  The app for the ls50’s is awful as is the remote.

Dynaudio felt much better as far as remote control functions, and thr electronics never gave me any issues on the xeo 6’s.

The Buchardts look great!  Room correction on the hub, master sound setting on the speaker, xlr inputs (no room correction), 24/96khz, good remote control.

I think self powered, dsp speakers might be the future audiophiles speaker of choice.  The kids today aren’t into the gear like we were or are.

The ability to amplify each driver with no crossover and add in dsp and you’ve got a hard combo to beat.  You’d think that the engineer of the speaker knows well, how to match amps to the drivers to achieve their desired outcome of sound.