Larseand, what a nice problem to have. Can’t listen to the amps in your system and asking us to pick one for you based on our experiences. Looking at the responses here, it appears that most only have experience with 1 amp and that’s the only amp which is recommended.
FWIW I was offered both Pass labs Int60 and Luxman L-590AXII about 5 or 6 months ago. Similarly I can’t listen to both in my system and have to pick one. In the end I chose the Luxman and am glad to report that it matches very well with my speakers. I don’t think you will go wrong with either one although they both don’t sound alike. Since you own Focal 1038Be which is known to be a rather bright speaker, the Luxman and Pass Labs Class A will be a good if not great match since both amps sound smooth at the top. If you have a tough decision, perhaps pick the one that looks more appealing to you.
FWIW I was offered both Pass labs Int60 and Luxman L-590AXII about 5 or 6 months ago. Similarly I can’t listen to both in my system and have to pick one. In the end I chose the Luxman and am glad to report that it matches very well with my speakers. I don’t think you will go wrong with either one although they both don’t sound alike. Since you own Focal 1038Be which is known to be a rather bright speaker, the Luxman and Pass Labs Class A will be a good if not great match since both amps sound smooth at the top. If you have a tough decision, perhaps pick the one that looks more appealing to you.