Pre to meet 2021 goals

I'm looking for recommendations on what you would consider a "valuable" pre-amplifier. I want to evaluate different topologies of amplifiers, so if there is something that would be at home (gain, etc) going from a First Watt J2 to Decware Zen Triodes, to Atmosphere S-30 to vintage Conrad Johnson tube mono's, please advise. Maybe throw in a pair of Nagra Pyramids along the way! 

Most of my experience has been with integrated amplifiers. I've enjoyed integrateds  from Luxman (550, 590) McIntosh, Simaudio, Audio Research, Leben (300X, CS600), Mastersound, Almarro, etc. I listen to and tweak gear for 2-3 months before moving from impression to forming a real opinion, rarely owning something for less than a year or more, unless I find myself not pressing the power button.  

I have great sound from my Devore O/93, Leben CS600, Mojo Audio dac and power supplies, Roon Nucleus with Tidal and Qobuz. I'll be adding this pre alongside the Leben just to experiment and have fun with amps that peak my interest, or that friends own locally. I tend to gravitate towards tubes and the warm side of neutral.

I'm open to end game recommendations, but audio for me is an adventure where I enjoy variety. I have enough quality stable relationships in my life- electronics doesn't need to be one of them. If you want to share a story about how you settled on an amp or a topology please do.  If you want to criticize my methods go for it. If you need to rage about politics feel free.


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 I listen to and tweak gear for 2-3 months before moving from impression to forming a real opinion, rarely owning something for less than a year or more, unless I find myself not pressing the power button.  

You're comfortable moving on after such a short time? May I ask how many times you've been married or how much coffee you drink?

Very interesting question and I'm eager to hear more replies!
+1 bdp24! Along with the SP6 I bought at the same time a D75 amp with new KT120 tubes from a HiFi store in Georgia. I paid about $1600 for both!
conrad johnson’s current or recent linestages are beyond reproach

their very low output impedance makes them excellent for matching all sorts of power amps
I appreciate the additional responses.  Tvad- I've never heard of either of those pieces and will check them out. 

@hilde45,  lol- married once, keep cars for 5+ years, still have the same wallet I was given 32 years ago for my 15th birthday.  2-3 cups of coffee from 4am to 7am. 

Part of my enjoyment in music reproduction is hearing different signatures. I find 3 month is enough time to determine if something is a keeper or not.  I've kept speakers for 10 years, but might cycle through 5 amps in that time.  I've done dac shootouts over a 2 week period.  It's kind of like fishing for me- I like to plan and target every species throughout the year, not just cast and be satisfied with what's there. 

jjss49, I've never head CJ but think I would enjoy it. Can you recommend a model or put a year to define recent?