Smallish floorstander that sounds good placed just

in front of the wall behind them. They must be placed about 6 inches from the wall behind them. Looking for the speaker to have a smaller footprint also. Totem Arro is one speaker that comes to mind - any others I can consider? They can be bigger then the Arro also.

Will want to drive them with a 70-80 watt Peachtree Nova in a second system.
I'm going to recommend two brands on the assumption that you would be willing to hunt down older speakers.

Allison, and Snell.
In particular, Allison Ones, or Threes, though any of the "CD" series also work well against the rear wall. With Snell, you would need one of the original (Peter Snell) designs, so look for models with letter names like "A","J","K", etc.

By now, most of them are going to need new surrounds, if they haven't been replaced yet, but that's not a big deal. IME, buying speakers that need surrounds is usually a benefit... it drives the price down much lower than the cost of the parts, and it only takes an hour or so to do. The sound from them will be better than anything else south of a couple grand.


I have the Sonus Faber Concerto Domus. I bought these
for my bedroom system - small footprint, 6" woofer,
ported in the front & they have very nice outrigger feet.
I paid $1800.00 new, I've seen them under $1200.00 used.
They sound very nice, to me..
The older version of the Merlin VSM (SE or earlier) actually benefits tonally from such placement (tho the imaging is slightly traded off). The speaker was a little lean thru the mid/upper bass and the reinforcement/rise in cancellation frequency from near wall placement fleshes it out nicely. It might be a bit pricey for use with a Nova in a second system (but I bet it mates very well, sonically). You might find a 10+ year old that makes sense $-wise.

Good Luck,

Sorry, I just saw the budget note. Merlins will almost certainly be too expensive. I also use Preludes (in my gym) as recommended above. They sit near wall with pretty good results.
