I'm going to recommend two brands on the assumption that you would be willing to hunt down older speakers.
Allison, and Snell.
In particular, Allison Ones, or Threes, though any of the "CD" series also work well against the rear wall. With Snell, you would need one of the original (Peter Snell) designs, so look for models with letter names like "A","J","K", etc.
By now, most of them are going to need new surrounds, if they haven't been replaced yet, but that's not a big deal. IME, buying speakers that need surrounds is usually a benefit... it drives the price down much lower than the cost of the parts, and it only takes an hour or so to do. The sound from them will be better than anything else south of a couple grand.
Allison, and Snell.
In particular, Allison Ones, or Threes, though any of the "CD" series also work well against the rear wall. With Snell, you would need one of the original (Peter Snell) designs, so look for models with letter names like "A","J","K", etc.
By now, most of them are going to need new surrounds, if they haven't been replaced yet, but that's not a big deal. IME, buying speakers that need surrounds is usually a benefit... it drives the price down much lower than the cost of the parts, and it only takes an hour or so to do. The sound from them will be better than anything else south of a couple grand.