I knew room treatments were in my future.

For those of you that have been following my posts. I bought a new house, leaving my great 24' square listening room of 36 years. The best prospect is the basement room 12'x 18'. Home for my new Hegel H390. Thick carpet, concrete block on the end wall and one 18' side. The other side is 2x4 construction with paneling. 
My dealer said he can help with treatments. 
Bryston A2 wired speakers. 
My best guess is placing my speakers from the 12' wall towards the 18' end. 
Thanks for any suggestions.
For me, I'd measure first, then try the less expensive ideas, listen and measure again, and only after that spend $750 each for Stillpoints. The idea that this is could be the *first* thing suggested is pretty rash.
I think its part of ebm’s humorZ. He seems to suggest a ridiculously expensive option and then to act asap.  LoL, kinda funny really
I wonder how many people have purchased expensive treatments and tweaks only to find they just needed to clean their ears. 
@b_limo Oh, so it's humor not advice! I thought s/he was being serious. Word up!