I think is time for new speakers..

Yes, I think I am going to take the plunge and get new speakers even though my DIY sounded great.  As for my DIY speakers, I im going to give it to my brother now the search for speakers is in the works. Right now my budget is below 800 for either floorstanders or bookshelf speakers. 
My system consist of:B&K ST2140Rotel RC-970BXSony 730ESVelodyne CT-100
Ag insider logo xs@2xhighend64
check with GR Research. He bought a container of speakers and is selling them for a great price, though I don't recall if they are < $800
What aspects of sound reproduction and speaker performance are most important to you?
Yes agree with the Klipsch and Elac recommendations. 

Specifically the RP 600M and the Debut Reference.
Oldhvymec, as much I want to build another DIY speakers, I dont have the time.

Soix, I am looking for a balance sound without any fatigue during long listening sessions. I want a speaker that has articulate, define bass. Midrange should sound clear and not overwhelming. High should sound airy and detail and not foward. Im probably asking to much from such a budget but I know I can find it.