1st Album you Ever Owned?

I hope this topic stirs up some great memories and further sharing of good music.
What was the first vinyl "LP" album you ever owned?

Mine was "Maynard '64" (Maynard Furgeson).  I was 10 and learning to play trumpet, and my dad bought this album for me.  He worked a lot, so it was really cool that he took the time to chase it down.

I cherished it and still have it, but it didn't take long to learn there was much better jazz out there.  In all fairness, I grew up listening to my parents playing Glenn Miller, Louis Armstrong and Tommy Dorsey - a pretty decent start given the general lack of recognition in the white middle class as to how African culture had molded the music they loved.

Please share your first LP experience!
1st - Beatles 65 (Beatles for Sale)
2nd - Rolling Stones Out of Our Heads

$2.95 mono or $3.95 stereo at Wolworth's Department Store.

Stravinsky Conducts Rite of Spring, Columbia Masterworks.
I was 12 years old, and this recording changed my life. Opened up a whole new world of music to me, made me get into record collecting and audio, and start composing and finally started digging playing in my school orchestra.
In 68, I  rode my bike to the record store in August heat and bought Jefferson Airplane's: "Crown of Creation".
The next year.. Led Zeppelin's "Led Zeppelin", P Floyd's "Ummagumma", King Crimson's Court of the Crimson King".
I never got into Ummagumma...but I still have and listen to the others, except C of C, which was played on my first, crude turntable and got worn badly, the LP was replaced a few years later. Bought a Dual 1219 with lawn mowing money after hearing C of C get worn out.

Hotel California. 
I remember my sisters, whom were 10 years older than me,  listening to it and became obsessed with it and could not listen when they left the house so I saved up my allowance for months and my mom took me to buy it on my own. Wore that album out and still have it!  
A few years later the next album that got me into music full time was Styx Pieces of Eight which launched a life long obsession with music and stereo hifi at the age of 8.