@mrmb what Halliscratcher did you have? I had a S-120 that I used as a young ham until I got a National NC-125 with a Central Electronics Sideband Slicer. That was deadly. I joined the Columbia Record Club in my last year of High School. One record per month, whether you ordered one or not. Went into the service, and for some reason, my parents continued to pay for records that arrived, for 2.5 years. When I got home, I had a pretty nice record collection (except, of course the Ray Connif Orchestra stuff).
First system, a pair of Fisher monoblocks @ 25 watts per side, a dual 1229 (I think) TT with a Shure cartridge of some sort, and a Knight Kit Tuner/preamp. Speakers were home brew birch ply cabinets containing 12" Ohm brand concentric speakers purchased from Olson Electronics in Chicago. Now that was sound, and yes, "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" was one of my early albums.
The modern high end stuff sounds great, but totally lacks the magic of my old stuff. Now where did I put my copy of "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" ?
First system, a pair of Fisher monoblocks @ 25 watts per side, a dual 1229 (I think) TT with a Shure cartridge of some sort, and a Knight Kit Tuner/preamp. Speakers were home brew birch ply cabinets containing 12" Ohm brand concentric speakers purchased from Olson Electronics in Chicago. Now that was sound, and yes, "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" was one of my early albums.
The modern high end stuff sounds great, but totally lacks the magic of my old stuff. Now where did I put my copy of "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" ?