Almarg made a good point in the beginning of this thread. Make sure that the ADC is good enough, before starting to invest much time on recording from analog. This is like the source of the Nile, so to speak, when recording from analog sources like LPs. In my case, the Tascam DA-3000 ADC is quite good from what I hear (and read) allthough not the best. The "secret anxiety" of anyone using time on this is, is that maybe in some years, my recordings won't be good enough;I should have changed the ADC, or some part of my analog chain, like the cartridge. So it is a bit of a risky gamble. Ten years ago I recorded with the Korg MR-1. I don't listen much to these recordings today, since the DA-3000 recordings, going from single to double DSD (plus balaned connections, a better cartridge, etc), are clearly better. So I think it is a good idea, first, to ensure that the analog chain is fairly well made up and settled - don't record if you have a new and better cart or phono preamp coming soon. And that you are satisfied with the ADC. The conversion back from digital - the best DAC - is something you can come back to that later. In that respect, your recordings are (like what was said of DSD) "future proof".