New or Old

Go easy on me, first post, returning older guy.

I imagine the topic has been done to death, but I cannot find this particular example.

Looking to get some speakers to go with my recently purchased Naim 152xs/155xs. Sources will be CD, streamer and a Linn LP12.

I see JBL Studio 590s on sale, so that would be the new option.
Also, locally to me, there is a pair of KEF 107s with Kube. Cost would be not much more than the JBLs. The four woofers have been re-foamed by the owner, who appears to be flipping them after only 6 months of ownership. The tweeters and electronics are untouched.

The JBLs I can send back if the home audition fails, but the KEFs I would be stuck with. 

Is new tech going to compare with old reference speakers, or will aging speakers and crossover and Kube just not sound as good as they should?

Has any one compared speakers that are 35 years apart?
I look forward to your assistance.
The KEF 107 is a fantastic speaker and hard to beat if everything is working properly. The Kube is essential with them if you want the full bass response. The T33 tweeter will probably need the ferrofluid replaced. It was an easy job on my 104/2s and only took about 30 minutes for each tweeter. The B110 midrange driver should not require anything. If the woofers have been reformed than they should be fine. The only other thing is the caps in the crossovers. They may need replacing. However, I have found the caps typically to be ok in this generation of speakers. 
any kef woofers from that period will have the surrounds replaced. I sold my pair for $1050. They were the R107/2 and the kube was included with grills. They were listed months with very little interest as those who like them wait to ‘score’ a pair. $800. Tops since they’re 30 years old. 
Yes the Kube certainly gives you a fuller bass response but it significantly detracts from the quality of the speaker. Perhaps with some better internal components or there may even be some information on mods or improvements listed online. I have listened to the 103s, 104s and 107 with and without the Kube and the difference was significant.  
For that kind of $ you could do a more modern speaker, something that has good drivers and crossovers in it.  I’ve heard that the crossovers in the kefs are pricey if you have to replace the caps in there.

But yeah Bro, $1500 will buy you quite a few good speakers if you look preowned.