Kuzma 4 Point Tonearm

I am thinking of purchasing the Kuzma 4 Point tonearm to mount on a TechDas lll Premium TT.  I have read every review I could find but would like to hear from anyone who actually uses one.  Please share your experiences in set up and use.  One final note I have considered the 9” version but like the ease of changing VTA on the 4 Point.  
I too am waiting for Dohmann to go to a vacuum hold-down. But I did notice on the Dohmann website a number of months ago, that it no longer contains a reference in the Helix 2 description to its adaptability for  a future vacuum hold-down. I cannot seem to get an answer as to whether the vacuum holdown has been abandoned by Dohmann. It seems that Dohmann has been talking about incorporating that feature since the introduction of the Helix 1 but was unable to incorporate it in the Helix 1 or the Helix 2. Was it unworkable? Cost prohibitive? Will it take a new turntable design to effectuate the feature? 
My wait continues.
Dear @randypeck : Which cartridges do you own or which do you want to use with a new tonearm?

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
gpgr4, that is exactly what I have found. A blank wall. I have one retailer who is supposed to be posing the question to Dohmann. I'll let you know if I find out anything.
The current table uses reflex clamping, the next best solution.
If I had to guess, adding vacuum will change the center of mass of the table requiring a redesign of the MinusK suspension. It would make sense at that point to issue another model. 

I wanted to let you know that I have a Lyra Etna ready to be mounted on the Kuzma 4Point as soon as the TechDas lll arrives.  

Additionally, I want to thank everyone who provided their experience, thoughts, and opinions regarding the Kuzma 4Point tonearm.

Congratulations - good choice and excellent combo.  You won't be disappointed with the Kuzma 4P - I love mine.