During this isolation, I would be interested in suggestions of great movies you like.

please suggest films you feel are worth, actually very worthy, of watching now?  Looking for very good and intelligent films.  As far as ones that simply pass the time, that will be for another day.  I may have the most interest in any classics I may have missed.....you know, films like 'Howdy Doody, Man or Myth"...and "Sex and the Single Dentist". 

True Romance
Out of Time
A Boy and His Dog
A Beautiful Mind
Bad Teacher
Jarhead II
No Way Out
Phase IV
My Dinner With Andre
David and Lisa
Queen of Outer Space
The Heartbreak Kid
Forbidden Planet (seed for Star Trek)
The Other Guys
The Naked Prey
Year One
Panic in The Year Zero
Bedazzled (original)
The Road
Creation of the Humanoids

The Favourite, directed by Yorgos Lanthimos 
Inglourious Bastards,  Quentin Tarantino
Hannibal,  Ridley Scott
Dark City (blu ray version),  Alex Proyas
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,  David Fincher
Seven,  David Fincher   
The Revenant,  Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
The Drop,  Michaël R. Roskam
Taboo - the series -  Michaël R. Roskam,  Kristoffer Nyholm 
he Night Of - HBO miniseries -  Steven Zaillian, Richard Price
Thanks to all for your thoughts/feelings. 

Both of my sons work in "film", both have taught on the subject at state universities......seems taking them to great films at various theaters in their youth did sink in.  The town I lived in had 2, and sometimes 3, independent "art" theaters and offered the chance to take my sons to films that were beyond special effects and explosions.

Not everyone’s cup of tea....but just watched Jasper Mall documentary on prime....very very analogous to what’s happening to audio high end.

Highly recommend for those who like a bit of humanity in their movies... Again some will not get it....no explosions or people being accidentally hit in the groin (which can admittedly be funny at times. ; )

...one of the very best of 2020 ....imo.