Negotiate good price

I went to a dealer last week and listen to some really sweet pieces.  I was ready to throw down some coin but am confused about the dealers approach.  He comes in the room and says how is everyhting.  I say it is amazing this is just the sound I am looking for.  He says okay and leaves.  Comes back in 10 minutes and I am ready for hardball.  I sit back with my hands above my head in an inviting posture and say- can you beat prices that I see on Audiogon?  He says he will be right back- great i think he knows- I know my stuff.  Another guy comes in and says he needs to use the room for a client.  I say where is the other guy and he says he's on the phone.  So I wait in the lobby for 20 minutes and don't see anyone. I left my name on a paper and put it on the desk and ask him to call me with the best he can do on the system because I can buy some of it on AUdiomart.  I asked my wife and she thinks that's too hardball- maybe i should have lied and said I'm shopping around for best price.
Any info on how to speed pitch softballs?   
Although the salesperson acted poorly...seems to me that you put on such a demonstration in actions and words that he just gave up. Hey it happens. 

If you have so much "coin" to throw around then why not negotiate a fair price?  Or is that not a "manly" thing to do?  Is that "winning" where you are from?  How's that workin' out for ya?

Actually, I think we are being trolled.  But, it was a fun read.

Curious is to how often you take the extended warrantees on Audiogon products. I find it very entertaining how your request was handled by the proprietor. 
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Member since 10/26/20

3 posts

That tells you all you need to know..........


Let's turn this into an SNL skit:

Tubebuffer: Welcome to Audio Troll. I’m the guest host Tubebuffer. My friend, the regular MC, asked me to fill in this week. He went on a long rant and has not come back yet. Long story short, he’ll hopefully recover nicely. I can't talk about it. It gives me shpilkes in my genecktecessoink. And it aggravates my hiatus hernia.

Oy, oy -- I’m just a little verklempt. A little emotional, little verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves.

Talk amongst yourselves. I’ll give you a topic. First reflection points are neither "first" nor "reflections." Discuss!