What's your definition of an audiophile?

Our love of audio is really basic biology with the brains dopamine reward system. The more we get pleasure with something the more we seek it out for the brains dopamineric response. Better sounding music equal more reward. MUSIC is our high! I tried to be a little eccentric from a science perspective. Alan Parsons cynically said "Audiophiles don’t use their equipment to listen to music. Audiophiles use your music to listen to their equipment”. Let me hear your definition

An audiophile is one who will sit in the dark listening to the same track over and over again neurotically second-guessing real vs imagined differences, then claim to be doing all this out of a love of music.
This is the definition. I think we can all agree that anything more can get obsessively over the top!!

An audiophile is a person who is enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction. An audiophile seeks to reproduce the sound of a live musical performance, typically in a room with good acoustics. It is widely agreed that reaching this goal is very difficult and that even the best-regarded recording and playback systems rarely, if ever, achieve it.
An audiophile is one who obsesses over every tiny little sonic and technical detail for untold hours, weeks, years, in order to hear for a minute every once in a while music that sweeps him away.
An audiophile is someone who listens. That requires focus and a good sense of what real music sounds like. Obsessive behaviour in my mind doesn’t an audiophile make.
Just read through the current Absolute Sound. Everything is too expensive for what I'd willingly pay to improve what I'm already happy with. Therefore, I'm not an audiophile.