Acoustic panels: ATS vs GIK

Has anyone ever compared the 2? I am in the process of treating my room and I was ready to place an order for some of the GIK 242 panels for the side walls and a pair of their 244's for behind my speakers. I know the GIK is a great product, but then they told me the wait time right now and we may be in to next year. It looks like ATS has similar panels to the 242 and they make a 24x36x4 bass trap which seems similar to the GIK 244's. Overall the ATS are about $100 cheaper. Thanks
That's interesting!

Go for what you can get quicker/cheaper, assuming the absorption coefficients are similar.

I'm about to need an entire room fulll, so I"ll keep this in mind. 

I have to say though, the GIK soffit traps are amazing! If you have the room to stand them up, check them out.
@erik_squires its almost exactly $100 less than GIK, and that is with the upgrade to Gilford of Maine cloth. If I add the Guilford upgrade onto the GIK order that would add an additional ~$100 to that, making the difference now $200. 
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