Who is still making CD transports?

I see that you are still able to buy pure CD players from Yamaha, Denon, etc. But what about transports in smaller quantities, I'm curious where and who is still making them?

I am primarily computer as source but at the rate that I buy CDs sometimes it's nice to just pop a CD in and listen to it the minute it comes in the mail. On another primarily audiophile music forum I'm on more people still listen to discs over digital rips/downloads so I think the demand is still there for CD transports.
You can pick up a used PS Audio DirectStream transport for a good price. This unit buffers and reclocks the data which gives your DAC a better signal to deal with. I have one of these and I can vouch for it.

Or, if you go with a regular CD player and just use it as a transport you have way more choices. If your DAC has an HDMI input and you want to use it then you'll need a transport that has that capability.
You're not limited to a few Japanese brands.  Also Stream Unlimited.  Scroll down a little...

Here’s a list of CD transports made, from the first to the latest (at time of article). You’ll need to do a search as to which one you want and proceed from there.

The links towards the end of the article are worth a look as well.

All the best,