Speaker cables for Sonus Faber Olympica II

I’m currently using the Clear Day Double Shotgun 6 foot cables with the speakers. Since I have the speakers out by at 5 feet from the front wall, they are stretched to the max. I’m afraid someone might step on them and break the connectors. So time for new cables. Would love to hear recommendations for speaker cables that go well with Olympica II. My budget is $500 max for 10 foot -- used is fine too. Thanks.
I would highly recommend Audio Envy for that price range. I had compared them to my Clear Day Shotguns (8 foot) in a friend's system and they were very very close to Clear Days.
Thanks @milpai ... I recently purchased an AE power cord for my DAC and am very pleased. Their speaker cable was in fact the first one that came to mind, but wanted to see if there are other alternatives. Do you mind telling us what sonic attributes made an impression in your friend's system?
Call me crazy, but I’d think very fine $10,000/pr speakers can justify a bit more than $500 cables, especially if you’re running shotgun bi-wire cables, no?  There’s a 12ft. shotgun pair of Acoustic Zen Satori cables on eBay for $650 that should do justice to your Olympicas if you can spare the change.  Best of luck. 
@soix I hear you man. I've already splurged more than what I had planned to this year, so yeah I was being cheap :)

Originally, I was thinking of temporarily using longer cables as a stopgap measure and then buy more expensive ones later on. But this is a fantastic price. Appreciate the recommendation. Will check it out.
@arafiq ,
The Audio Envy were very revealing just like the Clear Days. They were open and cast a wide sound stage. They were not run in at all with 0 hours on them.