As much as I try, I just don't get it........

A few YouTubers are always making changes to their systems, and having their audience listen ( I imagine you all know the few posters I am speaking about ). The show reviewers are posting some audio samples, and having their audience listen. I can go on and on. Honestly, however I try, I cannot determine what the big deal is, as these videos, with the " audio presentations ", are weak, poor, and tell me nothing. I listen to a lot of YT videos of my favorite artists, videos from some of my favorite recordings, some studio and some live, and many sound quite good.....but nothing from these others I speak about, do anything for me. This is why I admire Steve, at his Audiophiliac channel, Sean at his Zero Fidelity channel, and Paul McGowan at his Ask Paul ( from PS Audio ) channel ( and others ), who speak, and know, listening in this context, is useless. Am I alone in this finding ? Does anyone actually feel listening to some of these posters, with their " audio presentations ", get the impact, or " lack of ", of what they are hearing ? I am in no way demeaning these folks, but my audio and listening background, does not allow me to make good judgements in this way, unless I am in the actual room of the demo. Enjoy, be well and stay safe. Always, MrD.
I do find some of these recordings of speakers playing in spaces to be interesting. I don't expect to hear something great, but I am surprised at times how well it comes through, how little room coloration seems to be degrading the sound. If I'm hearing good tone with extended smooth bass and sparkly highs from microphones placed at the listening position it tells me there's got to be pretty good sonics happening in that room. I've also felt at times I could hear the sonic signature of the speakers interacting with the room in a way that was quite compelling, like a very pleasing filter effect, making the same song file played straight through my speakers seem somewhat on the dry side. I don't expect to hear differences from things like cables or pre-amps. However, if they did leave every setting and microphone and speaker placement the same and level adjusted to 0.1db, it would be quite interesting if someone could demonstrate a difference a change in amplifier or cable made. That would prove that something very significant had changed.
When I was young in the 60's, and my Dad and I would see a Zenith Television commercial. The spokesperson would say "look how sharp that picture is" showing their newest model. My Dad sarcastically comment's to me how great is certainly is.. (on our old 16"" black & white)
So .... the only way to witness how good the Zenith picture actually is (through the commercial) you need a TV at least as good as the Zenith. Their pitch is that it's the best! You need to buy one just to prove them wrong!! 
I am a YT creator (small time). My channel is about audiophile and coffee related topics. I agree with the OP. YT is not the place for serious sound evaluation. Here is another thought though. It is my only way to give people a sense of what it sounds like. Even if it’s not ideal, people really appreciate it. I do always explain that it is useless. It will not sound like in your room. But compared to no sound impression at all, it is still better. Also, with so many serious audiophile shops dissapearing (some countries are really poorly stocked with shops) it is a way, for those people, to get some experience with different equipment. So don’t dismiss this method yet. That said, I don’t believe YT is the medium for serious evaluation of dacs or powercables or... Just my two cents
What do you think of the *comparative* nature of this? 

Nice. To me, this blows up the argument of uselessness. To say it's useless is to miss the point. I believe there are plenty of examples on YT where audiophile SQ is indicated and can be distinguished from non-audiophile SQ. That's "indicated" not ascertained. The point is obviously not definitive evaluation. It's one bit of information where the alternative may be no information aside from specs, opinion, visual, etc. 

I'd say that video disproves "By the time you hear a recording of a component or loudspeaker on Youtube, all that's really left to judge critically is how it looks". To me, this is a misunderstanding of what's on offer by way of a YT vid.

I'd go for the Rubicon 6s BTW.