Can an “audiophile” ever be satisfied with a system?

After I finally found a great used Woodsong Garrard 301, I was inspired to upgrade my entire system.
After 49 years of building up, am I finally off the merry-go-round??
Or are the improvements never-ending??
Now coming a new Triplanar tonearm, SRA platform for the 301 and Stillpoints for the preamp.
What’s left? New cartridge? New TV? Think the clearly endless quest is buying LPs!
Hope I am satisfied. Got a lot of great deals on new and used stuff but adding it all up puts me up to over $100K!
That is an excellent question. Currently I am very satisfied with my system and have been since I got some new stuff, months ago. But.....
Right this minute, I’m wondering (to quote the popular song) “Is that all there is?”
So, I believe it all comes down to your mental state, rather than the quality of your equipment. If you’re bored you look for something new, whether it warrants it or not. In other words, you create a problem where there isn’t any. That’s the nature of “ audiophilia.”

The thrill of expecting something new is great. Not to mention receiving something “bright and shinny”.
Chuck, you have gone to incredible lengths to tweak your system. Even inventing things!
Wish I could bring myself to pay $199+ for Better-records White Hot Stampers. Good recordings are the “final frontier”.
Thanks. Appreciate it. But really, all I do is listen, read, think, try things out, and listen some more. Turns out every one of those steps matters. Especially "try". A number of things are dirt cheap to free.   

But really, right now I am beyond satisfied with my system. Many times lately I actually find it hard to believe how good it sounds. Like last night listening to Year of the Cat I was like why is it so much better? Then remembered adding more springs since the last time I played it. Stupid springs, $60 worth of springs.  

Thing is, its not like I got them because I was dissatisfied with anything. Heck before ordering I was freaking beside myself pleased. Now even more so. In fact its kind of a good news bad news situation. When you're at a low level just about anything is better. Everything and I mean everything beats the freebie rubber power cord. When you're at this level very seldom do you just plop something in and not have to work to tweak it to be just right. You can go read about the resonance hum that drove me crazy until I figured it out. 

But its been like that a long time now. Thirty years at least. Almost 50, if you want to go back to using egg crates as acoustic panels as a teenager. Come to think of it, I was pretty satisfied with my system then too.
mglik, you can sell your system and put the proceeds toward's good psychotherapy. When the money run's out, the Dr. will pronounce there is nothing wrong with you. Now can begin your new system, but will never be able to afford what you had. THEN you'll realize you WERE happy with it. Good luck.